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  • Labels: chief justice john roberts, gaffe, joe biden, joe biden flub, joe the stumbler, President Barack Obama

    Archive 2009-01-01 2009

  • AAUW: graham says listening to her is a lot like listening to john roberts during his hearing

    Confirmation Hearings Day Two « AAUW Dialog 2009

  • iraq has its first freeparliamentaryelections since 1958. the 265th papal conclave occurs. kuwaiti women are granted the right to vote. colin powell steps down as secretary of state. john roberts becomes the 17th chief justice. i went on an epic road trip. i broke my foot and spent the summer and my brother's wedding in a cast.

    the one where i do the obligatory recap « firecracker's follies 2009

  • he asked this yesterday too… that the court could take more cases as we talked about yesterday, john roberts said in his confirmation hearing that the Court should take on more cases but the average number of cases has dropped during his tenure as chief

    Confirmation Hearings Day Four « AAUW Dialog 2009

  • Bork was rejected 9-5 in committee and 58-42 by the full senate specter asked if she agrees with what john roberts said during his hearings, that the Court needs to decide more cases each year she doesn’t want to make statements about what the court can do until she potentially gets there specter cut her off there and moved on now discussing wireless wiretaps

    Confirmation Hearings Day Three « AAUW Dialog 2009

  • TODAY is the 50th anniversary of the court ruling that overturned America's obscenity laws, setting off an explosion of free speech -- and also, in retrospect, splashing cold water on the idea, much discussed during Sonia Sotomayor's Supreme Court confirmation hearings, that judges are "umpires" rather than agents of social change. this is a very well written and researched article, which, to my mind, debunks the judicial 'umpire' philosophy espoused by chief justice john roberts. fta:

    Propeller Most Popular Stories 2009


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